During the debate of the Jeff Sessions nomination for Attorney General yesterday, Senate Majority Leader and major league poop-head Mitch McConnell helped launch Elizabeth Warren’s Senate re-election campaign in 2018 (and maybe her presidential campaign in 2020) by preventing her from reading a 30 year old letter from Coretta Scott King criticizing Sessions’ civil rights record back in the day.
McConnell got a case of the vapors, and invoked a seldom-used rule against accusing another senator of behaving badly, or something like that. (See the link below for a fuller account of the rule.) Then he offered her a potential campaign slogan: “Nevertheless she persisted.”
McConnell’s full explanation was particularly tone deaf: “She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless she persisted.” Imagine that. The shameless hussy wouldn’t back down, not even after the menfolk gave her a warning and went to the trouble of mansplaining the rule for her. She had the unmitigated gall to persist.
And here’s the kicker. After Warren was prevented from speaking, four Democratic Senators, all men, were allowed to read the letter on the Senate floor without incident.
My respect for Republicans is already at rock bottom, so I can’t say this incident caused me to lose any. But I am continually amazed at how not ready for prime time these guys are.