As Joe Hill said, “Don’t mourn.  Organize.”  Step one – call your senators and let them know where you stand.  Even if one or both of them is a solid no vote, call and express your appreciation.

Step two is, as Jon Lovett wrote, “Say these names like Arya Stark.”  Curbelo, Valadao, Paulsen, Royce, Issa, Roskam, Knight, Walters, McSally, Denham, Sessions, Rohrbacher, Culberson. 

Those are the 13 Republicans in the House who voted for the Republican “Death To The Poor” bill, and represent districts carried by Hillary Clinton last year.  If you live in one of those districts, please get to work.  I’ve got McSally.

Last thing, and then I’ll try to shut up for the day.  I’m proud that no Democrat voted for this evil bill.  The next time you hear someone say there’s no difference between the two parties, you might bring that fact to their attention.  Thousands of people will die if this bill becomes law, and their blood is entirely on Republican hands.