Some people I follow on Twitter are anagramming names in the news.  Donald Trump turns into Lord Dampnut and Paul Manafort becomes Anal Trump Oaf.  So I headed over to to try a few more. 

The sponsors of the latest Republican attempt to ruin health care in America:

·         Lindsey Graham:  Grin Ashamedly, or Angrily Shamed, or Slaying Me Hard

·         Bill Cassidy:  Sad Icy Bills

Trump’s family:

·         Melania Trump:  Platinum Mare

·         Ivanka Trump:  A Pink Rum Vat (not great, but the best Wordplays’ anagram generator could do)

·         Donald Trump Junior:   Put Mind On Juror

·         Eric Trump:  Rectum Rip

Some additional co-conspirators:

·         Mike Pence: Pink Emcee

·         Michael Flynn: Lynch Me Final, or My Fallen Chin

·         Rex Tillerson: Inert Sex Roll

·         Sean Spicer:  Sincere Sap

·         Kellyanne Conway:  Newly Anon Lackey

·         Sarah Huckabee Sanders:  USA Ass Backhander Here

·         Steve Mnuchin:  He Invent Scum, or Men Hunt Vices, or Much Sin Event, or Nuns Meth Vice

·         Vladimir Putin:  I Invalid Trump

And just for good measure:

·         Robert Mitchell:  Hell Mob Critter