MOSTLY SAY HOORAY FOR OUR SIDE:  Check out the link below for a really good article by Ezra Klein on why the Russo-Republican disinformation campaign doesn’t mind if you catch them lying. 


First, the Russo-Republicans seriously don’t care about your opinion one way or the other. Their primary target is Trump’s base, and secondarily, susceptible Greens and Libertarians. Second, their goal isn’t even to convince the base that their narrative is true.  What they’re trying to do is muddy the waters enough that their target demographic won’t expend much energy on trying to sort out the facts.  They want the default question about political claims to be not “is it true?” but rather “is it good for our side?”

My conclusion:  The job of the reality-based community is to restrict the spread of this contagious insanity.  Which is why – per my post on Friday – it’s important for the press to stop pulling its punches and speak plainly about what’s going on, rather than to help muddy the waters with ambiguous headlines and bogus bothsidesism.