Right now, the two top spots on the New York Times Hardcover Non-Fiction Best Seller List are held down by Fox News shills.  The number one slot is occupied by THE RUSSIA HOAX, by Gregg Jarrett, arguing, essentially “No collusion!  No collusion!  Investigate Hillary!  She colluded!”  In second place is “Judge” Jeanine Pirro, whom Trump will put on the Supreme Court sooner or later.  Her book is called LIARS, LEAKERS AND LIBERALS.  Pirro, too, leaves no stone unturned as she responds to liberal critics of Donald Trump with persuasive arguments like “I know you are, but what am I?” 

The Usual Suspects – billionaire GOP sugar daddies like the Koch brothers – set aside money to buy multiple copies of books by their pet authors.  This is known.  So there’s less than meets the eye to the plethora of bestselling right wing propaganda.  But the Fox stranglehold on the NYT bestseller list is still repugnant.

The good news is, now we can do something about it.  Today – Tuesday, August 7 – is the publication date of Rick Wilson’s EVERYTHING TRUMP TOUCHES DIES.  It should be available at your favorite brick-and-mortar bookstore, your public library, as well as from online retailers like Amazon.  It’s available as an e-book and an audible book, read by Wilson himself.  My Kindle copy just downloaded.

I mention Rick Wilson a lot in these posts.  He’s the Republican (probably former Republican now) media consultant who has become a leader of the #NeverTrump resistance wing of the GOP.  He acknowledges and regrets that he helped build Frankenstein’s laboratory, and now that a real monster is on the loose, he has a responsibility to help stop it.  He’s got a sharp tongue and a salty wit.  In other words, he cusses a lot.  Desperate times require desperate measures.

I urge you to buy this book and help knock Fox News off the top of the the NYT Hardcover Non-Fiction Bestsellers. 

This has been a public service announcement.  We return you now to your regular programming.