White Trump Evangelicals used to claim that Donald Trump was the new Cyrus – the 6th century BCE Persian king described by the Prophet Isaiah as the non-believer whom God used to free Jews from captivity in Babylon.  But that’s no longer good enough for Trump.

Now he has proclaimed himself as “the chosen one.”  And in case you missed the point, he also described himself as “the second coming of god.”  Or rather, he argues that others see him as the second coming of god.  Since Trump rarely has original thoughts, he relies on flatterers for new ideas.  If they come up with something he likes, he’ll repeat it.  And he’ll keep repeating it until he convinces himself that it’s true. 

Will he be able to convince American Jews that he’s the messiah, and that disloyalty to him is the mark of a bad Jew?  Time will tell.  It’s hard to resist the blandishments of a very stable genius.  It’s all about making the gospel great again.

Meanwhile, Mr. Second Coming Of God has cancelled a visit to Denmark, because the prime minister refuses to sell him Greenland.One might think that the First Coming of God – a/k/a, God – would open up a can of whoopass on those Danes.Turn them into pillars of salt, or smite them in some other way.But the Lord moves in mysterious ways.