Is this our October surprise?  That’s just one of so many questions around the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell. 

Was this the case that Bill Barr was trying to disrupt when he fired the United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York last month?  Why did it take this long to apprehend Maxwell?  Rumor has it that Maxwell has extensive records about Jeffrey Epstein’s powerful friends. Did she cut a deal in return for the promise of a light sentence?  Why, with all the resources at her disposal, was she hiding out in Bedford, New Hampshire? 

Oh, and here’s a big one.  What is Ms. Maxwell’s life expectancy at this point? 

It appears to me that there are at least two wild cards in the Epstein/Maxwell investigation:  Bill Barr and Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service.  Both Maxwell and Epstein (before he was raptured unexpectedly) are rumored to have worked for Mossad, passing along information from and about the rich and powerful.  What outcome would Mossad be rooting for in this case?

But the prospect of Israeli intelligence putting the squeeze on powerful pedophiles isn’t even the weirdest part of this case.  That honor would go to the Barr-Epstein connection.  Bill Barr’s father Donald gave Jeffrey Epstein his first job.  As headmaster of a fancy Manhattan prep school, the elder Barr hired a college dropout with no discernible math skills as a math tutor.  That same Donald Barr also wrote a science fiction novel with pedophile overtones.  Birds of a feather, and all that.

We know that Bill Barr will use extra-legal means, if need be, to protect Donald Trump.  Does he have an added incentive to muck around in this case to protect some family secrets?    

One assumes that Maxwell has been smart enough to build a variety of “if anything happens to me” triggers for the release of whatever information she has.  A plea deal that releases just enough dirt to satisfy the public appetite for scandal, while protecting a select few powerful pedophiles, might be Maxwell’s safest play.  If she gets to call the play.

So many bad actors, weaving so many tangled webs.  Will we finally see anything approaching justice in this case, or will Bill Barr simply round up the usual suspects?