Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?  The Shadow knows.  And since Donald Trump’s shadow side is on full display, 24/7, now we do too.  He always says the secret things out loud.  He can’t help himself.

In his own weird way, he’s revealing how scared he is.  At a campaign rally/superspreader festival this weekend, Trump explained how he intended to cheat his way to a second term “Now, we’re counting on the federal court system to make it so that we can actually have an evening where we know who wins.  Not where the votes are going to be counted a week later or two weeks later.” 

In other words, pack the courts with Republican loyalists (including one more Supreme), and get them to invalidate as many ballots as possible.  Declare victory before all the votes are counted, and if Democrats object, activate the Big Boogaloo. 

He also promised that “I’ll never speak to you again,” and “you’ll never see me again” if he loses.  Sure, Don.  Trump will keep running his mouth until he dies or goes to prison.

The Greens are showing their true colors as well, using Republican Party attorneys to get on the ballot in various states to take votes away from Joe Biden.  That didn’t surprise me, since it’s been clear since 2000 that the real (albeit unwritten) mission statement of the Green Party is to help Republicans win close presidential elections. 

But I was surprised by this tweet.  When I first saw it, I assumed it was a parody account.  But it’s still up on the official Twitter account of the Green Party of Monroe County NY.  The day after Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, their social media person had this to say:  “The Green Party of Monroe County, NY would like to express it's [sic] heartfelt indifference to the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whose over-inflated importance to the future health of our nation is an exemplar of everything that is diseased about our two-party government.”  Stay classy, guys. 

Yes, I know that this is a local party affiliate in Rochester NY, whose views may not reflect those of the national party.  But as best I can tell, the national party hasn’t seen fit to disavow those sentiments.  When you’re having trouble even getting your presidential candidate on the ballot in some states, purging assholes from your ranks might seem like a problem that can wait.  On the other hand, it just might be that the Greens’ high asshole quotient is why they’re having trouble getting on ballots.